The blog
Step softly into the light
I’m quietly launching my web site revamp and rebrand without announcement and with little publicity because work is still in progress.
I’ve always thought launching a partly built web site was unprofessional, but nobody pays you to build your own web site and every time paying work arrives your own project goes to the back of the queue.
I finally understand why I’ve seen countless professionals rebuild their personal sites ’live’ over the years.
Time to stop aiming for pre-launch perfection, instead aim to ship early and iterate often.
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Using the Drupal Quickstart-0.9.1 development environment in vmware Fusion
The Drupal Quickstart project is a prepackaged Drupal development environment based on a VirtualBox virtual machine running Ubuntu. It’s provided as a portable “Open Virtual Appliance” .ova file.
So if like me you already run vmware Fusion on OSX and have no intention of running VirtualBox alongside too, it should be possible to use Quickstart in Fusion. This, it turns out, is slightly less easy than expected.
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Using drush_make to install the excanvas library for drupal Beautytips module
A Drupal Planet screensaver for OSX
Many moons ago, I used Apple’s Quartz Composer to create a screensaver for OSX, featuring our friend the Druplicon and the feed from Drupal Planet.
I thought it was about time I shared it.
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Four tips for developing Drupal under Aegir
If you’ve fallen under the spell of mig5 (aka Miguel Jacq) and moved your Drupal deployment workflow to drush, drush_make, Aegir and git you might have been scratching your head over how to carry over your normal development workflow. Here’s four tips to help you along. Note that all commands presume a Debian/Ubuntu style OS.
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A CSSEdit AutoCompletion.plist of my own
I came across Andy Ford’s modified AutoCompletion.plist for MacRabbit’s CSSEdit today, and not being entirely convinced of all Andy’s modifications I decided to make my own.
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CSS sprites using Imagecache and ImageMagick Raw Action module
A question in one of the Drupal IRC channels recently reminded me to write about my ImageMagick Raw Action module (im_raw) and its ability to generate CSS sprite style images from uploaded image files. This is not a recipe for a whole site CSS sprite containing all icons and backgrounds used, but a way to process a single uploaded image and append that processed version to the original.
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Desktop Clock with Geektool 3
There may not be many posts on this blog but one of the most popular has always been “Desktop clock with geektool” (possibly because Google directs people here looking for actual physical desktop clocks, but still).
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Howto install PECL uploadprogress indicator for Drupal on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)
I installed the PECL uploadprogress PHP extension on my Debian Lenny development server for the Drupal filefield module just before Psynaptic's excellent roundup of how it install it on just about everything.
But it turns out to be a lot easier on the Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) development server I'm switching too:
``` bash sudo aptitude install php5-dev php-pear sudo pecl install uploadprogress ``` Then add the "" to your php.ini, in my case I'm using a local ini file rather than modifying the apt supplied php.ini: ``` bash sudo nano /etc/php5/conf.d/local.ini ``` Reload the Apache config and you're done.Comments
Thanks for this Adrian. That worked for me on Ubuntu 8.04, except that the package is called “php5-dev” instead of “php-dev”.
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