Howto install PECL uploadprogress indicator for Drupal on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty)

I installed the PECL uploadprogress PHP extension on my Debian Lenny development server for the Drupal filefield module just before Psynaptic's excellent roundup of how it install it on just about everything.

But it turns out to be a lot easier on the Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) development server I'm switching too:

``` bash sudo aptitude install php5-dev php-pear sudo pecl install uploadprogress ``` Then add the "" to your php.ini, in my case I'm using a local ini file rather than modifying the apt supplied php.ini: ``` bash sudo nano /etc/php5/conf.d/local.ini ``` Reload the Apache config and you're done.


No. 1 by Chris Booth
22nd Sep, 2009 @ 16:24

Thanks for this Adrian. That worked for me on Ubuntu 8.04, except that the package is called “php5-dev” instead of “php-dev”.

No. 2 by Adrian
1st Oct, 2009 @ 23:14

Oops. It’s php5-dev on Ubuntu 9.04 too. Post now corrected. Thanks!

No. 3 by whatdoesitwant
11th May, 2010 @ 13:34

Roel de Meester of made a script that automizes this so you don’t have to manually edit with nano or vim. It goes like this:

``` bash sudo aptitude install php5-dev php-pear #better uploadprogress bar sudo pecl install uploadprogress sudo sed -i '/; extension_dir directive above/ a\' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ```

Hmm, mollom really needs to work on its ux.

No. 4 by whatdoesitwant
11th May, 2010 @ 13:38

I see that the line-endings got messed up. The new lines are at:
sudo aptitude…
sudo pecl…
sudo sed…
and the quotation marks need to be normal too.

No. 5 by Adrian
17th May, 2010 @ 11:56

You need to wrap code in code tags. I’ve edited your comment to add them.

No. 6 by Adrian
17th May, 2010 @ 12:01

@whatdoesitwant Also notice that Roel’s script edits the main php.ini, the Apt package supplied version and is likely to be overwritten with an update at some point. Much less hassle to use a local ini file as I described.

No. 7 by Drupal : PECL Upload Progress bar | WebActus
3rd Oct, 2010 @ 8:55
[...] Howto install PECL uploadprogress indicator for Drupal on Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) – [...]
No. 8 by whatdoesitwant
5th Nov, 2010 @ 22:53

As a follow up, am i right to assume that your aproach of using a local.ini in the conf.d folder will add to both apache2/php.ini and cli/php.ini?
Also, do definitions in conf.d/local.ini supersede conflicting default definitions in either php.ini?

No. 9 by whatdoesitwant
6th Nov, 2010 @ 22:47

I tested and can affirm that it does.

No. 10 by Anonymous
11th Sep, 2011 @ 22:24

great guide, thanks for the help :D

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